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La Pierre Plantée


La Pierre Plantée is located in the Lot, between the main towns of Souillac 8km and Martel 7km, in the commune of Baladou, in the hamlet of Bazalgues. All main shops, bars & restaurants are located in the main towns. Personal transport is strongly advised to get around the area.

Driving Directions

GPS/Sat Nav Coordinates: N 44°55.258′ & E 001°31.548′.
Use of sat nav only to locate us can be inaccurate as we are on an unmarked track, so use of the maps and driving directions below is strongly advised.

Click here for more detailed Driving Directions of how to get to La Pierre Plantee, also see Directions in Photos.

Google Map

Airports & Autoroutes

The local airport Brive-Vallee de la Dordogne has flights to Paris and London. Brive airport is only a 15 minute drive from
The other airports are Bergerac to the west and Limoges to the north, also Rodez and Toulouse to the south.

Car hire is available at most of the airports. If you use, they offer our guests up to 10% discount.

Autoroute A20(E9) from Paris or Toulouse exit at Junction 55 to Souillac.

Trains & Buses

There are daily train services from Paris and Toulouse to Souillac. The is the leading app in Europe for train and bus travel.
There is a very limited bus service supplied by SNCF (4737(TE)) from the train stations Souillac & St.Denis-Les-Martel via Baladou & Le Pigeon (this is the nearest bus stop). Pick up from the stations can be arranged, but it is strongly advised to arrange to have personnel transport to get around the area, as we are 8km from town. (contact for more details).